
Dave D. from Montana

When I called Classic Homeopathic Counseling to ask about the effectiveness of the homeopathic treatment with livestock, two things became immediately clear to me during my conversation with Ellen; 1.) She was totally convinced of the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment and approach and 2) No one else’s experience could adequately substitute for my own.

The question I was left with was, “am I interested and open minded enough to experiment in order to gain personal experience?”

We raise food for people. If there seems to be some concern about how we raise our animals and/or the quality of the food we offer, it has to be of interest and concern to me. The health and well-being of the range and animals we manage has always been our priority.

While this experiment is well underway, I can only report on my observations so far. I am too old, too conservative and too weathered by ranch life to hurry my conclusions. What I have seen is that any significant shift in land or herd management can take years to evaluate.

In this early stage, the best I can offer is a progress report. As a general statement I would simply state that I am seeing enough encouraging results to feel confident. Maybe a better way to put it is that I am encouraged to continue the experiment by the results I am seeing.

Another very strong indicator (at least for me) is that my wife, who is a strong, knowledgeable, intelligent daughter of a scientist, was initially skeptical and suspicious. Her fears that I am risking the health of our stock seem to be greatly relieved. That alone has been tremendously helpful to me.

Now, perhaps I should be a little more specific about what I am able to observe with our cows. I have been trying for years to find a mineral that I could offer free-choice without over-consumption. Over-consumption has always indicated some kind of deficiency to me. Pro-Vitality claims to “aid in the assimilation of essential minerals,” among other things. Since I have offered our cattle mineral treated with Pro-Vitality, consumption has been greatly reduced and stabilized. They are consuming mineral rather than craving mineral. That is a very significant kind of shift for me. I can’t say for certain but my sense is that we are finding a new kind of balance.

Overall the cows, calves, and yearlings are in good health and look really good. It has also been a really good grass year. I would expect them to do well in this kind of year.

It was a wet and muddy spring – good for the country – hard on young calves. Typical conditions for scours. I used the scour remedy and the calves cleaned right up in two days.

We had a dry cow we were finishing on grass for slaughter in June when she came down with foot-rot. I did not want to load her up with antibiotics so I tried the foot rot remedy with good results. She was completely recovered in five days with no further lameness.

When a few of the yearlings had facial warts I tried the anti-fungal remedy and the warts disappeared. I used it again when a couple of the steers had ringworm. Again, the ringworm cleared up.

When we got into fly season, I ordered the [Diminish Bugs & Flies] treatment. When it was available, the cows and calves had very few face flies and horn flies. When they ran out, the flies returned. When I retreated again, the flies diminished.

Weaning this fall was pretty much the way it usually is for us. I tried the weaning remedy but couldn’t detect that calved were any quieter. We have to wean our calves alongside the cows. They always make a fuss- I would have been surprised if they hadn’t. There was no sickness and no loss of appetite.

I have restocked the products I am seeing results with and ordered a few new ones to try if and when the conditions arise.

The experiment continues. At this point I am encouraged, pleased and grateful.


Dave D.


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