WAPF and Homeopathy Are Life-Changing!

Some things in life prove to be major positive influences. For our family two of these are the Weston A Price Foundation and homeopathy. Concerned about the rise of chronic illness and degenerative disease, we had been trying to eat better but were discouraged that there was so much contradictory advice on what was good for us and what was not – particularly when such advice bashed the farm products that were our livelihood.

We had also used homeopathy enough to know it really worked – like the time our 18-month old son had a sudden rapidly rising fever and began to be unresponsive which turned out to be food poisoning and which was easily resolved at home with a few doses of Belladonna. But still, we felt so limited with the information we were able to obtain from homeopathic self-help books. Thankfully, we found answers to both our dietary and homeopathic questions.

Around the year 2000, we heard Sally Fallon’s phenomenal seminar on nourishing traditional diets. It made so much sense to eat the foods that kept our ancestors healthy – particularly for my husband and I who had both grown up on farms, had chosen the farm life as a great way to raise our children, and who had watched most of our parents and grandparents live vibrant lives into their nineties. So we made changes to our farming practices and began to provide drug free pork & lamb, grass-fed and corn-finished beef, free range chicken, turkey, eggs, and naturally grown vegetables both for ourselves and to local consumers. Our efforts paid off in that our children have grown up with no cavities free of serious illness, and we have many satisfied customers grateful for a source of quality food.

However, despite eating as well as we knew how, we wondered why we still had health issues that seemed to escalate with age. In 2008, we found Ellen Bench, Master Homeopathic Clinician (www.homeopathyinformation.com ), who not only does phone consultations but was also willing to travel to our area to teach classes on homeopathy. We discovered that diet and environment are influences in our health but that our roots – what we come into the world with – and stress, those hard knocks life deals us, cannot be overlooked. Our vitality is often diminished by putting disease into our body with vaccinations and/or by suppression of symptoms with drugs and medications that drive disease deeper. Business and financial pressures, difficulties in personal relationships, past griefs or emotional traumas and so on also play a huge part in our health and well-being. Best of all, we learned that homeopathy is capable of healing mentally, physically, and emotionally beyond what we imagined possible!

Following our homeopathic consultations, I quickly got over anxiety that began with a flu episode ten years previously, chronic fatigue and depression from past emotional issues, and I continued to improve to the point that in my late 50’s I now feel better than I ever have! I have lots of energy, and life just seems easier. My husband has overcome pain and stiffness from a congenital hip that worsened with age. plus he also is enjoying a more positive outlook on life. Our children no longer have frequent colds and are thrilled that their dad and mom are more easy-going. Our entire family and many friends also enjoy the benefits of homeopathy for first aid and acute situations that arise because of knowledge gained from Ellen’s classes. She was able to answer my many questions so that I am now empowered to use homeopathic remedies for ourselves and even our pets and livestock. That means our customers benefit as well, since our animals are now raised using homeopathy and are free from vaccinations and drugs. Yes, we thank God every day for our health and the knowledge and empowerment that Sally Fallon and the WAPF and Ellen Bench and homeopathy have given us. A nourishing traditional diet and the use of classical homeopathy are life changing!

Richard & Kathleen Sobotka
Inman, Nebraska


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