Showing 1–15 of 18 results


Use on all animals conventionally vaccinated or previously medicated increasing their vitality.
Directions: Protect them with Cat-2 Immune Boost (homeopathic prophylaxis). Use Method 1 for 3 days.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

This remedy may be used with the initial 3 doses of Cat-1 Immune Detox. Homeopathic Prophylaxis covering: Rabies, Upper Resp, Leukemia, Influ/Distemper.
Directions: 1 dose bi-annually. Use Method 3.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

For improved coats and overall well being.
Directions: To promote assimilation of minerals from food, reducing tendency to parasites and worms, use 1 dose weekly with Method 1 or added to water source with Method 3.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

Coats should be beautiful and eyes brighten.
Directions: 1 dose a day for 7 days. Then use one dose a month. Booster as needed for outdoor cats in water with Method 3.
Cat-3 Pro Vitality is recommended for prevention. Use Method 1 monthly.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

For crisis management and unknown reason for a sick kitty.
Directions: 1 dose every 5 minutes 3 times in a row, then 1 hourly 3 times in a row using Method 2. Use 3-5 times the next day. Follow with Cat-3 Pro Vitality hourly 3 times.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

For pain after surgery, sprains, etc.
Directions: 1 dose every 5 min 3x, then hourly 3x, then for 3x daily for up to 10 days following surgery or injury providing pain relief and rapid healing of muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, joint, or puncture wounds. Use Method 2. If attacked add Cat-15 Rabies Nosode for infection/protection.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

For arthritic pain and stiffness. Look for ease in movement and reduced discomfort.
Directions: Use 1 dose daily for a week, then 1 dose once a week. Recommend use with Method 1 and add Cat-3 Pro-Vitality.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

For bad behavior use once a day for 7 days. Then once a week for 4 weeks. Important to have completed use of Cat1 Immune Detox and Cat-2 Immune Boost to detox and protect. Use Method 1.
1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

Common in spayed cats.
Directions: Use once a day for 7 days. Then once a week as needed. Use Method 1. If not improved consider a possible infection easily addressed with a UTI formula. May be ordered by contacting the office.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

Use 3 times a day for 1 week, then once a week as needed. Use Method 1.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

To diminish vulnerability to fleas.
Directions: Use 1 a day for 7 days, then 1 a week through the buggy season along with Cat-3 Pro Vitality weekly. Use Method 1.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

This formula can provide your cat with relief from ringworm and fungal issues.
Directions: Use one dose 3 times a day for 10 days. Repeat if needed for an additional week. Use Cat-3 Pro Vitality, 3 times a day to build vitality. Repeat once a month for 3 months to diminish vulnerability. Use Method 1.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

Helpful with shaky and nervous urination.
Directions: Use 1 dose, 3 times in a row – 5 minutes apart, for upsets as needed. Use Method 1. Start with Cat-1 Immune Detox to diminish the weak constitution.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes

Use before a trip and then as needed for relief.
Directions: Use 1 dose, 3 times in a row – 5 minutes apart. Use Method 1.
1 Ounce: Approx. 100 Spritzes