Our Science – Why We Are Different

Neuroscience in homeopathic medicineToday the FDA regulations include criteria for making claims of effectiveness using scientific standards. Scientific standards, by definition, include controlled testing and replication to establish claims of effectiveness. Over the last 20 years these formulas have been aggressively tested on thousands of clients and the public with compromised health conditions. The results have been impressive, dismissing the criticism of homeopathic remedies being no more than a placebo effect despite that the clients, and especially our children, have no will to choose to clear mucus, eczema, or teething pain.

Concepts in neuroscience and nanotechnology, versus biology, are where homeopathy is validated. Your family will benefit from the drug-free, natural and organically-qualified formulas. Clinical results in the form of referrals are available for your review.

Homeopath Ellen’s Turbo® brand products exist as ultra-diluted substances (nano-doses) derived from natural plant, animal or mineral sources in 6c and 200c potencies. These higher potencies used in our formulas are faster acting, more effective, safe and non-toxic, facilitating healing through the nervous system.

Client tested since 1993, our formulas have demonstrated impressive results both in the prevention and relief of many common health concerns when supplements and pure diet didn’t produce results, including increasing uptake of minerals, stress, respiratory issues, ailments of moldy environments, as well as strengthening the immune system.

Formulas are delivered in an easy, cost-effective and safe-to-handle manner. Their use can diminish frequency of illness, facilitate rapid relief of acute symptoms (injuries, infections, and pain) and minimize healthcare expenses.

Produced in Stevensville, Montana, these high-quality remedies are formulated by world-class master homeopathic clinician Ellen F. Bench, D.Hom., H.M.C., and reflect her twenty-five years of clinical experience in homeopathic medicine.
