To diminish ill effects following a stroke and facilitate possible increase of functionality.
Seek emergency care.
Why this product? Apply this remedy at first signs. 20 years of clinical use have produced spectacular results. A must-have in your medicine chest.
Min. 100 Pellets
For headaches or sinus problems from a head injury, past or present.
Why this product? To address damage from concussions, not limited to headaches, sinus issues and behavior changes. Can be used immediately following or for a “never well since” old head injury.
Min. 100 Pellets
Why this product? Less expensive, safe, effective, alternative to chelation.
Remedy customized based on labs.
Min. 100 Pellets
For diminishing pain and symptoms of herpetic-like sores and blisters.
Why this product? Facilitates fast-acting, drug-free, pain and eruption relief. May be used both orally and topically. Eliminates the need for suppressive antivirals.
Min. 100 Pellets