Client Testimonials

Hear from clients about the amazing results they have experienced with homeopathy; for themselves, their family and friends, and their livestock/companion animals!


• People (teachers and speech therapist) keep stopping me to tell me how well my (autistic) son is doing! (3 weeks following remedy) K.M. of Missoula • I brought my daughter to see Ellen after getting no relief from high fever with delirium, severe stomach gas and cramping, severe sore throat, profuse mucous and stuffiness…


2013 Summer Retreat

Ellen, Even though the June Retreat was a month ago I still think about it often.The subject animal kingdom was fantastic, I have been wanting to learn more about the subject and be able to use the animal remedies. The note book you put together for us, was a work of art, categorizing the different groups with pertinent information…



Hello Ellen, Feel free to use all or part. My homeopathy story: I signed up for a Homeopathy class through my massage therapy school. (I had been to a few homeopathic practitioners in the past but didn’t really understand what it was about.) The class met and exceeded my expectations. I am very logically minded. Everything Ellen presented was…


Birthing Combo

I would like to say thank you for helping my daughter Kayla, when she went in to the hospital to have her first child Hagen, she had about 6 hours of contractions that where tolerable, then when she had Hagen, the Doctor, just stood there. Kayla did all the work with ease. No one in…


Stroke Victim

Hey I was wondering if I could get some more of the stroke victim remedy? It seems to be doing my step-dad some good and my mom gave some of his to my uncle who also had a stroke. She did keep some for him, but if I could get another bottle sent out that…
