Menopause and Emotional Problems

Ellen gave me a remedy some five to six years ago and I never even realized how and what it did till I went back to her later on. I then realized how much my emotional status had reversed for the better. I had always been such an inward person. Closed up, if you would. I was astounded when I realized what that one little pellet had done for me. Now I am so much more out going and not afraid to speak up. It brought my body back to balance where it was supposed to be. I hadn’t really known I was so out of balance.

I went to Ellen with some serious female troubles. I knew if I had gone to a DR that they would want to cut things out of my body. As I sat in her office that day I could hardly talk for being so emotional. She dropped a rem in my mouth and asked me how it felt. I didn’t notice anything till I began talking again and the emotion had subsided. I looked at her in shock and said, “I’m not crying now!” I knew the rem. had worked.

She sent me home and had me take Rhus Tox. I think we may have upped the potency and I didn’t think it was working. The female pain was so bad I was doubled over with it. Could not stand up. Only better in the fetal position. Bleeding would not stop. I thought I was a goner. I had never been incapacitated like this in my life! I was so scared. She called and so patiently and kindly asked me to keep on with the Rhus Tox. She convinced me to not give up and it worked and I’ve never had the trouble since. That has been many years ago. I am now going through my change of life and from the horror stories I hear from others, I am blessed. The so-called hot flashes/chills are so minor I hardly even sense them. I have worked with Ellen along and kept things at an even keel ‘so to speak’.

After many years of seeing Ellen do so much for other people homeopathically my husband finally gave in and went to her for counseling. He came home telling me he knew himself better than he ever had in his life. She was able to remedy stomach troubles he was having, feet problems and many emotional issues in his life. Because of her working with both of us, as a family, it has helped our marriage plus many other things.


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