HP Virus Management Kit



This kit contains 14 Remedies in a folding wallet.




The remedies in this kit should be used as follows:

Suggested protocol for Homeopathic Prophylaxis Nosode prevention:

  • Use the selected Nosode dose 1 pellet a day for 3 days, if in direct contact with an infected person; then 1 dose a week for 4 weeks.
  • If generally apprehensive without direct exposure take 1 dose a month for 3 months, which should be adequate. For more specific sense of threat consult a practitioner.

For Acute infection symptom relief:

  • Select the most indicated remedy of the same number series (1a, 1b, or 1c with #1 Nosode). Take 1 dose hourly 3 times in a row, make an assessment. Repeat 3 more times as needed. First look for movement of symptoms from depth to surface. (Example: a deep cough becomes productive from the chest to throat to headache and out.) Movement down into chest or more distress indicates a change of remedy is needed.
  • If the remedy did not improve your condition, discontinue taking it and select a more appropriate remedy, or call a professional to advise.
  • If overreaction to the remedy is produced or symptoms worsen; dissolve one pellet in approximately 8 oz. of water, shake and pound in your palm vigorously! Take a swig, holding the remedy water in your mouth, and swish to the count of ten before swallowing. Discontinue use of this remedy at this time. Healing may continue without further repetition. For additional help consider calling your primary care provider for professional advice.

Kit Contents Include:

Nosode Prevention RemediesSymptom Relief Remedies
1. Ebola Simillimum Combo 200c
2. Enterovirus Combo 10x/200c
3. HIV Combo 200c
4. Influenzinum Combo 30c/200c
5. Pneumonia Combo 200c
6. Herpetic Virus Combo 30c/200c
1a. Hemorrhagic and septic symptoms
1b. Spasmatic coughing, hiccough, vomiting
1c. Viral immune building lectin promoting
2a. Sneezing, burning, raw discharge
3a. Weak, vulnerable, worn out, giving up
4a. Dull, dragging, feverish, toxic, aching
5a. Congested lungs, exhausting cough
6a. Painful blistering