Letter to your peditrician regarding alternative immunization options.

   Homeopathic Prophylaxis (alternative immunization) is not understated as a hot topic. It is of vital importance that you are prepared with valuable facts and the remedies for your families. The US spends substantially to spray for mosquitos, closes campgrounds (like Yosemite in 8/15 for the Plague!), and adds sterilizing chemicals to our public and private water sources for cholera. Our food hygiene is in the news regularly for salmonella and recently we heard about the contamination of legionnaires. While this list for sure is just a tiny representation of infectious disease threats in our common environments, many more diseases are present in everyday products and produce regularly treated with antibiotics. Substantial numbers of deaths occur in the medical field from infections that you contract while in their care, not limited to MRSA. Let us not forget our vulnerable children who while visiting a restaurant put the unwashed salt and pepper shakers in their mouth exposing us to staph, strep, hepatitis, and worse.

   We are also exposed to the immunized population who “shed” (sharing) their flu and chicken pox shots with the public and wonder where the new epidemics like shingles come from-(may be modified live herpes virus!). Do not forget your animals/pets also shed many of their vaccines.

   You cannot clean your environment with bleach and irradiate all our food products to stay protected-YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM NEEDS TO WORK EFFICIENTLY!! We need to empower health beyond trying to eat quality groceries. You need to instigate the immune system with a safe nontoxic option -Homeopathic Prophylaxis. Be informed, read from the books list of unbiased studies. Read the attached letter and beg for more. Education is vital on this subject. Having access to these remedies is also vital.

The CHILDRENS Homeopathic Prophylaxis Kit has 12 remedies. 10 nosodes (remedies made from diseased materials used as “immunization”) — MMR, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Polio, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Roto Virus (Salmonella), Measles (apart from MMR), Influenza B (Haemophilus) with Thimerosal (as a detox) and Thuja for Vaccinosis (chronic mucus from over vaccination)

Our World Homeopathic Prophylaxis Kit is available to use as you need, for threats in the news or in your community. Included are twenty nosodes from world diseases (no duplicates from Child Prophylaxis Kit) — Anthrax, Botulinum, Cholera, E-Coli, Encephalitis, Flu Combo, Hepatitis A and B, Lyme’s Disease, Malaria, Meningitis, Mumps, Plague, Pneumonia, Small Pox, Staph, Strep, Tularemia, Typhoid, West Nile

We also have a set of 150 additional Homeopathic Nosodes available for Practitioners.

Audio CD Disk Set! Learn to use the extended nosode set.

These Kits include the sample letter below for your primary care provider, your school, and your official health record. Also in this communication is some homework for you. Attach your family history of ailments both behavioral and medical for validation that you have vulnerability and may be sensitive to “conventional immunizations.” It will address the new requirement of validation vs religious exemption.


Homeopathic Prophylaxis Parental Disclosure: SAMPLE FORM

I am the parent of:_____________________________ Date: ______________

I am a responsible parent who has made the effort to become informed about the subject of immunization.

I am not part of the population who refuse to immunize but have found superior protection overall.

I understand that the intention of immunization is to provide protection from infectious diseases. I have done the research and have concluded that I can protect my child by empowering their immune system with a homeopathic prophylaxis without the dangerous side effects of an injection of disease materials.

The homeopathic remedy action is directed toward the nervous system. The nervous system directs the body to act every day affecting the heart rate, digestive secretions, hormonal function, hunger, and immune system functions (among all other mental and physical activity).

The evidence associate with this enhanced immunity is that the homeopathically immunized children get sick substantially less than conventionally immunized children. They have fewer allergies, less asthma, less eczema, diabetes, behavioral disabilities and challenges, less autoimmune dysfunction as a population and less occurrence of children’s infectious diseases.

The disease states including the list above is prolific in my family history and I am unwilling to medically compromise my child when safe and effective protection is available to me and my family.

Homeopathic remedies have provided protection/prevention at a substantially higher level for over 100 years safely without any known side effects. Documents of studies are available worldwide. The homeopathic remedy does not produce a shedding threat making it safer for the extended family and community. Homeopathic remedies commonly do not produce titers as they are not crude disease material. The evidence of increased immunity is superior health and absence of the disease symptoms.

I have a protocol for protection which is to do a “booster” annually and at the evidence of a disease threat for : MMR, DPT, Polio, Tetanus, Varicella, Hepatitis B, Influenza B (Haemophilus) and Roto Virus (Salmonella). Many additional prophylaxis are also available including Viral Influenza, Pneumonias, Spinal Meningitis, HPV, and Shingles; should protection be recommended.

I understand as a member of the AMA your accepted protocol does not include education of the efficacy of Homeopathic Prophylaxis. I respectfully request that you honor my judgement and personal convictions (medical or religious) on this important issue of the infectious disease protection for my child.

  • Consider addressing this letter to your pediatrician. primary care provider adding your own name and address.
  • Also, a detailed medical history of brothers sisters cousins. uncles. aunts. parents with list of diseases ready to attach .

A Recommended book list is attached and/or included in our Prophylaxis kits.


*Vaccination? A Review of Risks and Alternatives. 5th edition. Isaac Golden. 1998.

The Complete Practioner’s Manual of Homeoprophylaxis. A Practical Handbook of Homeopathic Immunization. Isaac Golden. Isaac Golden Publications. 2012.

What About Immunizations? Exposing the immunization philosophy. A Parent’s guide to the vaccination decision. Cynthia Cournoyer. Nelson’s Books; Santa Cruz, California. 1995.

Immunization. History, Ethics, Law and Health. Catherine J.M. Diodati, M.A. 1999.

*The Immunization Guide. Making an informed choice. Randall Neustaedter, OMD.1996.

Monera, Kingdon Bacteria & Viruses. Spectrum Materia Medica. Volume 1. Frans Vermeulen. Emtyss Publishers.

Vaccine Free: Prevention & Treatment of Infectious Contagious Disease with Homeopathy. 3rd edition. Kate Birch. Narayana Publishers. 2010.

What your doctor doesn’t learn in medical school. Stuart M.Berger, M.D. 1988.

How to raise a healthy child…in spite of your doctor. Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. 1984.

DPT. A Shot in the dark. A concerned parents’ guide to the risks of the Diphtheria, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), and Tetanus Vaccination. Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher. 1985.

The Coming Plague. Laurie Garrett. 1994.

*Saying No to Vaccines. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

CHC-Homeopathic-Prophylaxis-Update-081715Click here for a downloadable pdf of the above information


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