Shingles Protect

I contracted HSV1 and HSV2 as a teenager. Over the years I had many outbreaks of HSV on my mouth, buttocks and vagina. After the birth of my son the outbreaks on my vagina increased. I sought out the help of doctors as well as holistic health practitioners. I was given prescriptions of valtrex and acyclovir. I didn’t have insurance and these medications are expensive, but I was desperate to stop these outbreaks. At this time, the frequency was 1-2 per month! After a couple years of back to back outbreaks and spending money on medications that did not work, I began to dig a little deeper to find something that could relieve the pain and embarrassment I was suffering. I was introduced to Ellen’s product, “Shingles Protect.” I began using the pellets as prescribed. During the first month, I had one minor outbreak that quickly healed. I thought, “Well, maybe these pellets are working because that was the most minor outbreak I’ve had in years.” I was pleased. But the pellets have done much more for me than just alleviate the pain and duration of outbreaks, they have helped my body deal with the herpes once and for all! I am happy to share that I have not had a single outbreak on my mouth, butt or vagina in over a year! I am very grateful for the Shingles Protect and how it has changed my life. I no longer live in constant fear, pain, shame and guilt over this terrible condition. I feel confident and free and I recommend anyone who suffers from herpes to call the office.



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