Military Kit
This Military Kit contains 10 of Homeopath Ellen’s Turbo® remedy combos. Diminish the side effects of aggressive vaccines, anxiety of combat, injuries and head injuries, PTSD complaints and more.
A MUST HAVE to go with after basic-training/boot-camp.
This product comes in a wallet case.
Kit Contents Includes:
Anthrax 200c – Take 1 pellet to diminish any illness that could be a result of the anthrax vaccine.
Arsenicum A 30c – Sick like you’ve been poisoned, food poisoning. Restless, fear that you are so sick you could die! Vomiting, burning diarrhea. Illness with fear of being left alone.
Gelsemium 30c – Anxiety with shaky, frequent urination or diarrhea preceding. Also first remedy for flu with yellow discharge, nervous, weak, achy, feverish, shaky from substance withdrawals, as needed.
Lyssinum 200c – For fear, anxiety, and feeling cornered. Take for the ill effects of being attacked to help heal mentally and physically. Great for infection of a wound. Use 3 times daily for 1 week for physical symptoms; once a day for mental symptoms.
Stramonium 200c – For living your worst nightmare! Rage, horror and resulting bad dreams.
Thuja 200c – To antidote the ill effects of vaccinations, also for sinus and allergies.
Turbo® Bug Bite Combo – Pain, inflammation, stinging, redness of an insect bite. Use like Benadryl for hives, allergic reactions in throat, swelling and itching.
Turbo® Homesick Combo – Use as needed for homesickness. It should diminish the symptoms quickly.
Turbo® Injury Combo – Best remedy to heal and stop pain following any injury; car accident, head injury, fingers in the car door, broken bones, slip & fall, effects of blasting or concussion, etc. Take 1 dose every 5 minutes 3 times in a row. Then every 15 minutes 3 times, hourly 3 times, then as needed for 3-7 days or more to finish healing.
Turbo® Stinging Insect Combo – For relief of pain and other reactions from stinging insects, including fire ants, scorpions, jellyfish, etc. More intense pain than relieved by Turbo® Bug Bite Combo.