
Remedi Animal Solutions formulas for dogs and cats can provide both treatment and prevention options with impressive results to minimize use of antibiotics and drug treatments. Homeopathic solutions offer higher quality lives for our pets and minimal investment in therapies and procedures that follow diagnostic testing and professional evaluations provided by your veterinarian. These remedy formulas have been in use for over 20 years with great clinical results. You now have access to this homeopathic home pharmacy for facilitating your companion to wellness empowering both you and your pet with new opportunities in healing.

Remedies are in a spritz bottle dispensing a fine mist spray used in the mouth for sure application of the remedy. If your dog is opposed to this procedure you may spritz your finger and rub it in their cheek. This is way easier than keeping track of a pellet which could fall out of the mouth without noticing diminishing the effectiveness and evaluation of results.

Diseases and health challenges can be complicated. Personalized solutions are available by appointment to create a custom treatment or protocol for your pet family member.

Read or listen to our field-tested referrals on the web. These testimonials include return to normal bowel function and eating habits, reducing behavior problems from anxiety, resolving umbilical hernia of pups, improved vitality and diminished, resolved arthritic pain, and life-saving results following poor prognosis.

The speed healing following an accident or surgical procedure along with infection resolution is a huge empowerment. Don’t forget pain relief without narcotics! Remedies produce exemplary results. Common use recommendations follow and are generally useful for over 20 years. Discontinue any remedy that does not show evidence of positive results and contact your professional advisor for personalized instruction.


“Homeopathy saved my horse when I was told, after $2,000 in vet bills, to put him down.” — MT, Rancher

Showing 16–24 of 24 results

  • Rabies Nosode Dog Spritz

    Rated 0 out of 5

    This remedy can provide protection from rabies and provides infection prevention and pain relief from an animal attack.

    Directions: Use Method 2 for post attack with D-6 Injury Combo to heal over 2-3 days using Method 2 and 3 for protection twice anually.

    For those of you who live in the country; I like to put the remedy in the water and put out for wild animals like coons and skunks quarterly or if you have indications of an outbreak. Use Method 3.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

  • Hernia Mender Dog Spritz

    Rated 0 out of 5

    For hernia pains. The remedy works by strengthening the weakness that allowed the perforation.

    Darcy says, “I bought a $900.00 dog and the breeder game me a $100.00 discount for the hernia fixed with your remedy.”

    Directions: Use 1 dose, 3 times a day, for 10 days. Use Method 1. Follow up with a weekly dose for 12 more weeks along with D-3 weekly to build overall strength.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

  • Hot Spot Relief Dog Spritz

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Directions: Use Method 1 three (3) times a day for 1 week and leave in the water using Method 3. Repeat as needed. Be sure to detox dog with D-1 formula and support good assimilation with D-3 Pro Vitality.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

  • Allergy Relief Dog Spritz

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Our pets are aggravated by the low-quality food sources. This remedy is very beneficial.

    Directions: Use twice a day for 10 days using Method 1, then once a week using Method 3 with D-3 to build immunity and increase absorption of minerals.  Note the effect of foods by monitoring the toxins in common pet food supply.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

  • Breath & Teeth Health

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Directions: Use 1 dose, 2 times a day for 10 days. Then once a week. Continue with regular teeth cleaning. Use Method 1.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

  • Foul Ear Relief

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Directions: Use 1 dose, 2 times a day for 10 days. Use Method 1. Also wipe ear with Turbo Calendula Cream to soothe and cleanse discharge. Be sure to use Dog 3 Pro Vitality for improved mineral absorption.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

  • Grooming Stress Diminish

    Rated 0 out of 5

    To diminish stress and aggression of nail and hair cuts or aggravation from water.

    Directions: Use 1 dose 3 times in a row 5 min apart before grooming. 3 more doses if needed.  Use Method 2.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

  • Kennel Cough Nosode Dog Spritz

    Rated 0 out of 5

    This remedy can provide protection from Kennel Cough.

    Directions: Use Method 2 pre-kenneling and post-vaccine cleanup.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes

  • Ringworm & Fungus Relief Dog Spritz

    Rated 0 out of 5

    This formula can provide your dog with relief from ringworm and fungal issues.

    Directions: Use one dose 3 times a day for 10 days. Repeat if needed for an additional week. Use Dog-3, 3 times a day to build vitality. Repeat once a month for 3 months to diminish vulnerability. Use Method 1.

    1 Ounce: Approx 100 Spritzes